---We need to speak up, raise our voices because what we have to say needs to be heard. Stereotypes must be reversed and our presence rightfully restored. Woman, I will not only speak on your behalf until my mouth runs dry but I will also speak with you, to you and about you. Because you are graceful, you are delicate and you deserve to be you---
God knows that next to mother Afrika, women are the closest favourite to my heart. I love these creatures. I love them all day and I love them all night, I love them intensely and I am pretty sure that one day I will lie in a casket and I will love them right into the afterlife. Women are symbolic of very many things; they are to me what nature is, quiet yet rowdy, mostly unpredictable but somewhat familiar in their presence. Women mean the world to me, they are like the universe in which we attract our fate, they have this undying love that draws no boundaries and they shine bright, like shooting stars.
These are momma natures chosen nurturers whose smiles can heal broken hearts, whose soft caress can abate any physical pain; the words of woman can build just as much as they can damage….which is exactly why I am here, on this page, searching for words that could aptly describe her, words that she may read, understand and safely tuck away into her minds maze. I am here to speak about woman, and to speak to her, I have brought these words along, not only for company’ sake but I am hoping that today we can build. Build through word and literature, through poetical verses and scriptures. I need to build, I want to build and I must start with who I am and who I am is woman. I am every woman, I am my mother, and I am her daughter, a sister, granddaughter, aunt, niece and sister confidante.
I am indeed every woman. I will not tell you that I am Assata, I am Afeni, I am Coretta, Betty and Winnie. I am Graca, I am Harriet, I am Nambitha and I am also Lillian. Hell, I am even Khanyi, I am Nicky, I am Janet and I am Oprah, I exude confidence, sexiness, intelligence and I am perfectly enough for me and to me. I have no fear or worries because societal pressure does not weigh down on me the way it would if I was just one woman, but you see, I am not one woman, I am every woman and I radiate the beauty, the strength and the courage of ten thousand women. I am every single woman that has ever lived and will ever live, I am Eve, I am her last born daughter and I am every woman between this bond.
We are women and therefore our fight shall be for our own. We are women and so where we go titles shall follow, we will be skanks, whores, bitches and ratchets. We will be gold diggers and opportunists, we will also be enablers, naïve and stupid but one thing we will not seize to be is women. And that should be our pride. Being woman is the pride of woman.
And for the longevity of our pride I am here telling you, my fellow earth sisters to woman up. I am here preaching the sidelined principles of feminism that our male dominated society has put on hold while we stay second best. I am here to try and rectify years of second hand oppression. Hear me when I say to you, you are beautiful and you deserve it all, you are Gods design and angelic adorns your being, woman you are powerful beyond measure and your words were designed to build. To build yourself, to build communities and to build our men… the main sources of the pains we endure; the heartbreaks and tear stains we inch through and insecurities we deal with are the very same ones we wake up to cheer on and encourage regardless.
Daughters of the world through, lets re assemble these notions of feminism and fit the pieces how they suit us. They cannot define what we stand for unless they know the pains of stiletto heels and the bunions that come the day after. They cannot dictate to us the terms of our submission unless they can usher life into this world. Until the day they understand the tears we have cried from our joys and pains, the hot flashes, the swings in moods and the ocean like love we possess then they have no grounds on which to spit feminism in the face.
I am by no means undermining the role of men in our lives, but I simply point out that feminism is no more radical than some of the rules of submission we are subjected to. Feminism is entirely healthy and should be encouraged, unless it is then rape culture, women abuse and harassment are issues that we will be fighting ‘against’ for centuries to come. I hate that the concept of such a beautiful term has been stretched out and re-arranged to mean stubbornness, rebellion and insensitivity of women towards the needs of men.
Unitl next post,
Africa Rising, Peace & Revolution...