I have always worn my feelings
towards women on my
sleeve, I admire women, all of them; there are no exceptions- we swim in the
same pool of emotions, we are all connected in our battles, that is why I value
every single one of them, that is why to me every one of you daughters of the
universe represents a rare and precious gift to all human kind.
And because I love you women of
earth, I went out of my way to conduct a bit of research to find out some of
our most publicly visible and insanely annoying peeves. If you do not have the heart to bear the contents
below then I apologize shem,
these opinions come from various individuals of both sexes across a rather vast
age range so do not shoot me as I am only the messenger. It is because I love
you all so much that I chose to aggregate the sort of information that could
potentially work towards your advantage- only if you keep an open mind though.
Alright. So here goes, we will
first address the issue of public indecency. Look, I myself am all for that freedom of expression talk,
gift of free will, right to choice- that independent woman chanting but unfortunately
ladies this research suggests that we turn it down a notch when it comes to
those see through leggings, the sometimes well meaning but turn out to be
indelicate camel toes. In the words of another, quit parading half naked to
satisfy your greed for attention. The underlying message here is for one to
dress for their body size, no extra meats popping out from clothing items and
for women to get back to respecting their bodies. I know and understand that we
all want admiration, especially from the opposite sex but if you go looking for
it in that manner, it will impede your dignity, self worth and the initial
respect that people hold for you. This, and so much more is what leads to men
and some of our emotionally mature counterparts calling us out on lack of
self-value and identity. I will end this chapter here.
On to the baby mamas, bitter ex
girlfriends’ and the side chicks. I personally understand that times are tough,
everyone needs a little loving empa ho thoe ke le joetse hore le be bitle ka
manyofo-nyofo le ho ferekana joalo ka ha eka le malinyane a li fariki. Always
know your place and do not come interfering in relationships trying to settle
scores, it only makes you seem resentful.
We are apparently too noisy ladies
and this makes us look ridiculous and infantile. Personally I don’t quite
understand whether this implies that the majority of us talk too much or we
talk too loud but either way most hold the opinion that we need to tone it down
-especially in public arenas, ladies are seen and not heard.
This breast feeding in public issue
unsettles a lot, surprisingly it popped up more than I had expected it would,
so to you the baby mamas who feed the kids, too many people out here say they
don’t want to see those “stretch marked, saggy leaking tadaaas all whipped out
without a care in the world”. This is the reason why baby bottles were created
and if you really have no other choice then at least make the effort to cover
them up from the glaring looks of passer bys.
I will not get into the weaves
versus natural hair talk as we have exhausted this topic since the very first
batch of weaves was shipped from India or Brazil or Peru, we know very clearly
how the minority feels about this trend, the only valuable piece of advice was
that if you choose to go that route then take care of yours- there is no excuse
to walk around looking like there’s a dead skunk on your head. I do not want to
take up too much time on the issue of make up either- the trick here is to
never over do it, as a woman myself, I’ve never quite understood the tweeze it
all of and draw it back on eyebrow phenomenon that has some people looking like
they were sponsored by nikey.
This one hit me hard because I
personally relate to it. Probably the best standpoint as far as this post goes.
I will not paraphrase, as that would be an injustice, “Black women must get
over this ‘strong woman’ act that they put on! They go out of their way to
prove how “strong” they are by being aggressive and too confrontational. U ko
utloe ausi oa Mosotho ha a re o tlo neha motho “damn”! These are unnecessary
theatrics! I however also understand that it is just attention seeking
exercises because black men are absent. These women crave their attention”. I
know more women than I wish to mention who are walking these streets with stone
stiff shoulders as a result of the burdens they bear. I know of women that
can’t keep onto a good man because they fight too hard to be their equal
instead of their lover. I console women, myself included who parade these
streets with colgate smiles and hearty laughs only to go home to lonely
thoughts, wet pillows and swollen eyes. I also know that women need to get over
this ‘strong’ role they have inherited.
Let this be the last words of
advice. This was a personal lesson for me that came down from those that have
lived and experienced more than I have. This is generational advice that we
must heed because it will save you from a lot of distress as you move along.
Sometimes we are too open, a bit brutal in our honesty- this is not necessary.
Three women sat me down some week’s back, two married for over ten years and
the other in a long-term relationship. They said to me they realize I am too
honest in my relationships and if I want their survival I would have to refrain
from this. Truth is I am not even at all that honest- I can hardly omit my
truth, I am the friend that will not smile and nod agreeingly if you ask me how
that hideous dress looks on you- I am not going to tell you to forgive your
cheating, lying sorry excuse of a man when you come crying on my shoulder and
equally I’m going to call you out on that ratchet behavior should you get out
of order. I am going to do this because I love you and I want what’s hopefully
best for you, I am going to let you know as it is because I don’t want you
becoming the laughing stock of the town, we find pride in keeping one another
down, getting back and even with each other, we do not look out for each other
and so my being honest is playing my part- however small it my be- in an effort
to unify women. So this last piece of advice is that you remain honest yes, but
always keep in mind that some truths need not be said, some are worth keeping
to yourself because its not everyone that can handle your attempt to stay open
and sincere with them. Pick the truths you decide to share with others wisely.
So there you have it bana ba nkhono Kholu. I will go no further in the hope that you have read enough. I believe in the beauty of your being and of your deeds.
So there you have it bana ba nkhono Kholu. I will go no further in the hope that you have read enough. I believe in the beauty of your being and of your deeds.
Until next post,
Africa Rising, Peace & Revolution...
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