Monday 7 October 2013

Lesotho, My love.

My dear Lesotho, they came and told me that you just celebrated your independence. That you have grown into a self- determined and sovereign state, they said you were no longer a reliant nation but rather a forty seven year old free kingdom. Oh how I had a good chuckle at the thought of this so called freedom they speak so fondly of, and although I laughed and found amusement in hearing this news, more than that I hurt. My heart ached at the obvious irony that is in celebrating your independence.


My dear Lesotho I am at standstill. I know I am grown enough to contribute to your progression at the same time I am too perplexed by the state of your affairs to even gather where it is I should begin. I have searched for your colonial, political and cultural history, why is there such limited publications or documents on you and your leaders? Why is so much of what has been recorded done so by foreigners who were only passing by? It is when I take the time out to go and find out about you, only to come across foreign storylines dictating your encounters; that I am reminded of what Thabo Mbeki once said, that “we as Africans do not know enough about ourselves and continue to be enslaved by a narrative about ourselves told by other people”.


Lesotho flag under the British rule
I am disappointed to say the least; it is probably hypocritical of me as I form part of the problem more than the solution. Had I wanted your histories recorded, I would have picked up my pen and pad, went on to meet, question and record conversations with our own historians for future generations to look back on in reference. So there you have it, me dear Lesotho, not only am I disappointed in you but I too have also let you down- I apologize profusely for this.


My beautiful Kingdom that belongs to the sky, they fed you and your people lies, they said you were free and that they were free but the reality to this fib you’ve been fed is that you are far from being liberated. The truth is that you still remain in the clutches of your colonial masters, the same ones who claimed to set you free back in 1966- what a big, beautiful, blue lie that was. I am so sorry for this lie that you have lived for nearly fifty years now; I can only imagine it to be the hardest slap across the face.

You know how reasoning of the past has always attempted to be in your favor, telling you about how you are not a colony of Britain but instead a protectorate, while I agree that this is soothing to an extent I also feel it is nothing more than a tease to ease you into naïve spaces, do not succumb. Them telling you of your independence is similar to a married man telling me that he loves me and wishes to spend the rest of his life with me, while it feels good to the ear, the truth is I would only prove to be gullible and settling for far less than I deserve. My Lesotho you deserve more than this heap of lies that has been piled unto you since the 4th October 1966. You deserve to re-invent your own truth and to acquire your own freedom through your own means, do not believe you are an independent state because they told you you are. This is a neo- imperialistic system hard at work.


I know of your freedom, I speak of it on a daily, it is the kind that entails the mental liberation of your people, where every single girl and boy child are introduced to a system of education, where health care is free and accessible nationwide, where women are no longer victims and men hold their own in protecting and caring for their families. Your freedom will see tight  fisted and short sighted leaders leave the seats of prominence they occupy in exchange for visionaries who love Afrika and love you enough to help you towards new heights. The sight of your true freedom as I envision it brings peace to my mind; it is like a rain of blessings, a well of prosperity that you and your own shall drink from.


So until that day comes, when you owe nothing to the west and they owe you everything- forgiveness and remorse, then I will continue to sing for you that freedom song. Mayibuye Africa, Mayibuye Lesotho. I have no doubt that you my love, will come back home to freedom and we will be ready to ring the bells upon your return.


Until next post,
Afrika Rising, Peace & Revolution


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